Week 2 Blog

#1) As I handed out the leadership questionnaire prior to the  first day of leadership class, I was confident about the traits I possess. I was not as surprised at the results I received as  I am more of a dominant body. My highest scoring traits were determined and trustworthy. However, I can work on being empathic and more sensitive a I scored lower on these particular traits than others.

#2) The trait leadership is an individual who possess certain traits at birth that differentiate them from non-leaders. On the other hand, process leadership requires that individual to interact with followers and to develop the skills necessary to become a leader.

When a person is assigned to lead a particular group or organization, the process is known as assigned leadership. Although an individual may have the title of leader, the real leader may be within the group of followers that has the charisma and influence that the rest of the group recognizes. The true leader that has the respect of the group possess emergent leadership as the individual sticks out of the crowd and leads without the necessary title.

All of the styles of leadership are valid in their own way. However, emergent and process leadership stand out a bit more as these process require the individual to act and earn the place of leadership rather than it be handed to the person.

#3)  i. Referent Power: a coach who the players love and respect.

ii .Pro: The coach is able to build a better, stronger relationship with the players.

ii. Con: There will be a few players who are unable to see the coach the way a majority of the team does, thus initiating conflict.

iii. Referent power is effective when a message needs to be sent to a group of individuals that respect the person in the authoritarian position.

i. Expert power: a historian who understands the an ancient artifact.

ii. Pro: The historian is able to earn the respect as the followers become interested in what information is being shared.

ii. Con: The followers have to be interested in the topic or there is no authority.

iii. Expert power can be effective when a group becomes interested in the topic and thus will seek out the individual who can provide the information which in turn earns respect and admiration,

i. Legitimate power: the president of an organization who enforces principles and rules.

ii. Pro: Whatever the person in the legitimate power says must be carried out and enforced.

ii. Con: The group of followers may not agree with the decisions made and in turn lose admiration for the leader.

iii. Legitimate power is effective when a group cannot come to a consensus on a certain topic, thus a person with legitimate power will authoritatively make the decision.

i. Reward power: a manager who acknowledges the hard work of the employees.

ii. Pro: The manager is able to build a sense of friendship and equality while maintaining the position of power.

ii. Con: Although an equal playing field is made, the employees may seek this as an opportunity to begin slacking off and lower the quality of work.

Reward power is effective when the moral of the group needs to be boosted and confidence must be reinforced.

i. Coercive power: a teacher puts a student in timeout during recess for misbehaving.

ii. Pro: The student is able to reflect on the decisions made in the future which prevents the problem from happening again.

ii. Con: A negative relationship begins to form as the individual may possess hard feelings toward the leader know for being punished.

iii. Coercive power is only effective when necessary and to teach discipline among the group to prohibit any problems from repeating again.

i. Information power: a student who took the test before the other students has information power.

ii. Pro: The person is allowed to decide who gets the information if the individual seeking the information deserves it.

ii. Con: The individual with information power has the ability to get what he or she desires in exchange for the information thus resulting in unethical practice.

iii. Information power can be effective to drive up the competition and develop one to further their knowledge.

All of the different types of power are unique and effective in their own way. Depending on the role and circumstances of the situation one may be effective more than the other.

I most align  and work best with referent power because my following tend to feel welcomed and respected thus in return adore me and admire my position of authority.

#4) Masculinity stands out as a trait to me as it refers to male personnel when females are just as capable of being a respectable leader.

Intelligence, responsibility, and motivation overlap frequently than others thus making these traits a common characteristic of successful leaders.

The traits are consistent with my notions of leadership except for a few such as masculinity which eliminates potential leaders from the equation.

#5) Personally, I would add respectful to the list of traits. Respect is my favorite trait as everyone deserves to feel welcomed and be treated equally. If the leader respects his followers, then the followers will respect the leader just as much and maybe even more.

From the list of traits already present, determination would fall into first place in my necessary traits. No matter the circumstances and obstacles, a leader with determination will find a way to pursue the desired goal.

However, as we limit leadership to mere traits, the view of a leader becomes limited as well. Characteristics and traits are a huge part of a leader but do not entirely make a leader. For example, a leader can be within your group who works hard and lets his or her actions speak rather than leading verbally with commands.

I also believe leaders develop and perfect these traits over time through experiences and environmental influences.

#5.5) Neuroticism traits consist of depressed, anxious, insecure, vulnerable, and hostile. These traits can hinder an individual due to the negative reactions he or she may have towards a certain situation and do not make a suitable leader.

Extraversion traits involve sociability, assertiveness, and having positive energy.  These traits can help a leader as the leader always has a good thoughts and allows the group members to have just as much of a voice.

Openness traits tend to be informed, creative, insightful, and curious. These can also help a leader as he or she will possess knowledge and find more than one solution to a problem.

Agreeableness traits consist of being accepting, conforming, trusting, and nurturing. These traits can benefit a leader as they are more understanding but on the other hand, hinder a leader as some individuals may take these traits as a sign of weakness.

Conscientiousness traits tend to be thorough, organized, controlled, dependable, and decisive. These traits can also assist in leadership as the individual will be organized and thoughtful before making an important decision.

I tend to consist of extraversion traits. I can lead while also taking input from the group and take in their ideas. I also try to stay positive and make everyone feel welcomed.

Emotional intelligence should also fall under the category of agreeableness. An individual who is understanding and comforting to others, recognizes their feelings and takes them into consideration.

#6) Recruiting for the Bank.

i. Pat is looking for the correct characteristics to fill in the certain position. Confidence and initiative are also key throughout the chapter as the individual possess a sense of motivation for the position.

ii. The retention problem created by the higher upper management forces Pat to raise his recruitment criteria. Through the leadership process, the individuals are able to construct a better understanding of leadership thus allowing them to perfect their skills and traits of a respectable leader.

iii. If I were Pat, I would also be a little more strict on the qualifications in individuals to recruit. The traits required from an individual are necessary to be a successful leader in the position.

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