Week 4 Blog

1.) What do you think…

I. When I am a follower, I prefer my leaders to have the coaching style of leadership. The coaching style of leadership has a high supportive and high directive approach. I prefer to be led with my leaders expecting my best effort and providing support not only for me but for the group as well. Therefore, the coaching style is more suitable for me as it also has both sides of the scale.

II. In order for me to be more of a directive leader, I would need to push people towards there goes with a bit more aggressiveness. However, in order for to be more supportive I should take into account the feelings of all the group and not just certain individuals.

A. An effective leader adapts to the needs of the group no matter the situation. A steady of concern for task and the people results in the most production and effectiveness. The concerns do not have to be super high, but rather a healthy balance between the two.

B. Outside influences such as past teachers, experiences, and family or friend interests can determine one’s competence and commitment. The SLII model represents the progress of development.

C. Regarding organizations, the commitment level is higher than the competence. Followers must attend meetings and important dates, carry out necessary requirements, and communicate with the following members. Therefore, the commitment must be higher than the competence.

D. Seasoned workers tend to possess D4 abilities. A person in the same position of 20 years knows the fundamentals and procedures more effectively than those who are newer. However, a lack of practice and work can slowly deteriorate one’s skills thus concluding that the D4 abilities are not permanent.

E. Although a leader adapts to the needs of the followers, favoritism should not be involved. A leader can prevent false accusations of favoritism by talking to each member specifically and explaining the needs and concerns of the group.

F. The number of followers a leader has affects the situational approach by requiring the leader to adapt and change to meet the needs of many followers and remember the situations. Whereas a leader with a few followers can easily remember and adapt.

2.) Application of situational leadership

A. In situation one, option B could be used to allow the worker to develop the needed skills while supervision occurs. If the worker were to do something wrong, the problem would be fixed as soon as possible.  Options C and D are also possibilities as the worker would have support of the supervisor awhile also incorporating his or her own work.

B.  In situation two, If I were the head of department of a new regional office, I would need to adapt to the needs of my employees. For example, a new employee would start off with easier tasks that will start him or her off slowly and get the feet wet. Whereas a long time employee of 20 years or so would not have the same position and would carry out more difficult tasks and possibly even train the newer employees in their course work.

3.) Path-Goal Questionnaire

A. After filling out the questionnaire, participative style is the highest with a score of 25 while a directive style is second with a score of 23. Then achievement oriented was 21 and lastly was supportive with a score of 19.

B. Other factors influence scores as well such as age and work experience. Younger workers with less background will not be as experiences and will need the support, therefore will fall under participative or even supportive. On the other hand, seasoned workers are able to be directive more efficiently and goal oriented.

C. Since my weaker trait usually tends to be supportive skills, I can work on communicating with other followers and get their feedback and opinions. Then use their feed back to better myself and utilize their ideas as well.

4.) Leader-Member Exchange

A. When working for a past teacher of mine, I fell into the In-Group.

B. I believe my teacher and I started with the stranger-acquaintance relationship. It was the first day of class of my senior year when I met my teacher. With every first day, there are introductions of individuals and he explained he owned a small local business in my hometown.

C. The dyadic relationship with my teacher consisted with a quality connection. When I would work late nights, he would provide some leniency on work knowing I barley had any sleep going to work all day.

D. My status was decided when I applied for his business and got the job. The business was an escape room, and my teacher needed employees to clean and run the rooms. The benefits of working him provided leniency regarding school work. There were no drawbacks and I did not attempt to negotiate anything.

Thoughts: 1.) When leading a group, I would have time admitting people who were disruptive and especially disrespectful.  Progress of work exceeds expectations when a group works together and provides collaborative ideas rather than working against each other.

2.) I could respond to these members, out-group members, by communicating with them and asking for their input. As well as ask for any changes they may be looking for.

5.) You tube Connection

A. A few examples of leadership making are acquaintances and mature partnership within the various groups.

B. The LMX theory is at work as there are many cliques that associate the individuals related to the clique as part of the in-group. While the students outside of the cliques are referred to as loners thus relating them to the out-group. Lastly, the phases of stranger, acquaintance, and mature partnership must be completed to be inducted into the said cliques.

C. A positive of the out-group consists of an individual expressing themselves in a fashion they wish. They do not try to fit in nor feel the need to be accepted. However, a con is being made fun of and the name calling that comes with being on one’s own. The same situation occurs in schools where most people feel the need to belong to a group instead of expressing their own selves.

6.) LMX 7 Questionnaire

A. My LMX 7 score reached a high of 26  points. Therefore my leader-member exchange is at a satisfying level. I tend to lean more towards the in-group and work my way towards a mature partnership phase.

B. My examples reflect a positivity about my leader-member exchange. I will solidify them by continuing to evaluate my followers and develop further mature partnerships for more effectiveness.

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