The Baylor Libraries’ Data Scholar Program provides a series of hands-on workshops designed to help Baylor researchers learn about
advanced data research methods, tools, and sources.
Data can be Text, Numbers, and Multimedia
Interested in attendingĀ a workshop? Just sign up!
Interested in becoming a Data Scholar? Just attend four (4) workshops:
undergraduate students:
Attend one Applied Data Research Workshop
Attend one Data Content Workshop
Attend at least two additional workshops from any category
graduate students, faculty, and staff:
Attend at least two Applied Data Research Workshops
Attend at least one Data Content Workshop
Attend at least one Data Research Management Workshop
The above must be completed within a 2-year time frame
Data Scholars are honored in a ceremony each Spring
Applied Data Research | Introduction to Tableau Desktop: Visualizing the Stories Hidden in Your Data | September 28, 1-2:30 pm |
Introduction to Qualitative Text Analysis Using NVivo
October 12, 1-2:30 pm
Repeat: October 19, 1-2:30pm _____________ Repeat: November 9, 1-2:30pm |
Introduction to Geospatial Analysis: Analyzing Cholera Outbreak | November 2, 1-2:30 pm | |
Data Content | Finding Data: Business Data Research | September 7, 2:30-3:20 pm |
More Than Just Statistics: Census Data Research | September 21, 1:25-2:15pm | |
Finding Data: Digging Deeper Into Printed Texts | October 5, 2-3:30 pm | |
Finding Data: Dancing with Health Data | October 26, 1-2:15 pm | |
Data Research Management | Data Management | September 14, 11:15-12:05 pm |
Data Management | September 28, 3-3:50pm | |
Data Management | October 26, 12:20-1:10 pm | |
Data Management | November 9, 4-4:50pm |