Project Title: Gendered Connections: Monastics, Priests, Women, and John Mirk’s Festial in Fifteenth-Century England
Description: Mine John Mirk’s Festial manuscripts for instances of gendered language by mapping the fuzzy (approximate) location in 15th Century England.
- Identify 15th Century Map: The Counties of England, Scotland, and (from 1540s) Wales and Ireland in library database: State Papers Online.
- Using ArcGIS Desktop:
- Georeference the map – For background on procedure, see
- Create 50 kilometer and 100 kilometer polygon vector shapefile grid (fishnet)
- Using ArcGIS Online:
- Overlaid georeferenced map and the two vector grids on modern UK map –
- Fuzzy Mapping:
- Identify the approximate cells in both the 100 and 50 kilometer for each of the gendered language sermon locations. The cell id numbers were recorded in Excel.
- Using Tableau Desktop:
- Import cell shapefiles and fuzzy mapping Excel files into Tableau.
- Position marks in center of cell and adjust size and color by frequency and category.
Researchers Involved:
- Dr. Beth Allison Barr, History Department
- Elizabeth Marvel, Baylor History PhD Candidate
- Joshua Been, Baylor Libraries
- Eileen Bentsen, Baylor Libraries
Fuzzy Mapping in 15th Century England