On September 16 at 2pm, drop on by the Active Learning Classroom in Moody Library, room 104, for a showcase of digital poster presentations on data research and digital humanities. There will be presentations focusing on text data mining, data visualization, and python scripting. Food will be provided! Open to all!

FDR Digital Displays 2019 - http://bit.ly/fdr-2019
FDR Digital Displays – http://bit.ly/fdr-2019

There will be 15 presentations provided by the 2019 Fundamentals of Data Research fellows, comprising 10 faculty and 5 graduate students. This fellowship is a highly competitive and funded summer program. Fellows receive instruction in text data mining, data visualization, python scripting, and data research management. Fellows are expected to integrate these competencies into their research. These digital presentations are the capstone projects of the fellowship.

If you like what you see, look out for applications for the 2020 summer program next March.

Take a look at descriptions of all 15 Digital Presentations here: http://bit.ly/fdr-2019

Data Research Fellows Present Data Viz, Text Data Mining, and Python Scripting!

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