Career Goals
I want to be involved with programming video games in any capacity. Engine programming, gameplay programming, graphics programming, as long as it’s programming then I want to do it.
Chillenium 2016 – Participant
Created Pacemaker (se below) in less than 48 hours in a team with with Ben Hamilton and Ben Tandy.
Ranked Hoops – Co-Founder, Administator, and Applications Developer
Co-founded and administrate a large Rocket League community dedicated to playing the side game-mode “Hoops” competitively. For this community, I created a Discord bot and backend ranking system that integrates with our weekly tournaments on smash.gg to rank participants based on their performances. It has always been our goal to convince Psyonix that Hoops deserves its own competitive game-mode, and we actually recently achieved this goal. Psyonix announced on August 9th, 2018 that they would be bringing ranked to all Sports Playlists (Rumble, Dropshot, Snow Day, and Hoops). This experience has taught me to never underestimate how much impact a community of players can have on the development and direction of a video game.
Games Created
Favorite Games
Classes Taken