My Study Abroad Experience – Baylor in Great Britain

By Susannah Mohrmann

When I first began thinking about my college experience, I knew I wanted to study abroad. I knew that my college years would probably be the only time I would have the opportunity to go to another country for several weeks or even months. Baylor really stood out to me because of the opportunities it gave to study abroad in almost any country. Once I came to Baylor I met older students who had studied abroad, and I eagerly asked them every question I could think of. Many of the opportunities available are for entire semesters; but when I discovered how much I loved Baylor, I could not imagine missing a full semester. I knew I would have to study abroad in the summer.

I soon found out about the program Baylor in Great Britain from several people and professors. Here is the gist of the program:

  • Baylor professors travel to London to teach you at Imperial College.
  • You get six hours of Baylor credit.
  • Class is only 8 -10 a.m. Monday through Thursday.
  • The rest of your day and the weekends are yours to travel and adventure through the United Kingdom.


This past summer in the UK was one of the most incredible experience I have had at Baylor. I met new friends, traveled with old friends and developed relationships with my professors. From day one of the trip, I had a three-page list of places I wanted to see. I checked every place off by the end. I also traveled to Scotland, Wales, all over England and even Barcelona, Spain. By the end of the five-week trip, I felt like a local. I knew how the Tube worked, and I was able to give directions to other tourists.

I am so grateful I was able to have this opportunity to study and learn in another country rich with history. It was seriously the best experience I have had since I have been in college. I made deep friendships, learned a new culture and learned how to be more independent. Baylor does an incredible job with their offerings in study abroad programs. Take advantage of the time you have when you get to college. Do things out of your comfort zone and experience something new!

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