Each month, we post an update to notify our readers about the latest archival collections to be processed and some highlights of our print material acquisitions. These resources are primed for research and are just a sampling of the many resources to be found at The Texas Collection!
September’s finding aids
By Paul Fisher, Processing Archivist
- Horton Foote Screenplay collection, 1954-1988 (#4006): Includes five scripts and screenplays composed by Texas-born playwright and screenwriter Horton Foote.
Two historical markers now commemorate Long Branch Cemetery: one recounting the history of the cemetery and the other honoring a former slave named Sylvia King who is buried there. Long Branch is one of the oldest cemeteries in central Texas. You’ll find these items in the Long Branch Cemetery collection, 2009-2016, undated (#4020), box 1 OVZ, folder 4, at The Texas Collection, Baylor University. - Joe Lett Ward, Jr. papers, 1953-1972, undated (#4029): Materials about Waco civic organizations that Ward was a member of through the years.
- Long Branch Cemetery collection, 2009-2016, undated (#4020): Collection contains materials about the dedication for two Texas state historical markers in Long Branch Cemetery, a historically African American cemetery in Falls County, Texas.
- BU records: Office of the President, Chancellor, and President Emeritus (William Richardson White), 1936-1977, undated (#BU/142): Contains correspondence, literary productions, photographs, clippings, and other materials related to White’s personal life and his role as Baylor University president and chancellor 1948-1963.
- September’s print materials
By Amie Oliver, Librarian and Curator of Print Materials
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