Banned Books Week (September 27 – October 3, 2020) is an annual event celebrating the freedom to read. It is a week to consider the impact of censorship and what it means to hold intellectual freedoms. Often the word ‘banned’ brings up images of Europe during the early to mid-1900s with Nazi book burnings and…
Moody Special Collections Updates – Spring/Summer 2020
Along with others across this ‘big blue marble’, staff from Moody Special Collections spent most of the spring semester researching and finding solutions to the move to an online educational environment. We were pleased with our success in moving our scheduled in person experiences with archives and rare materials into an online assignment. Many thanks…
Printed Words and Benevolent Books
I’ve always been fascinated by the power of the printed word as a communication tool throughout history. Significant research is available on this topic; however, I encourage you to dip into original, primary resources to add your own personal knowledge and beliefs to create new insight. You can still research these topics online with an…
We Are Here!
The Central Libraries Special Collections are still here! Not on site, but working on behind-the-scenes activities like compiling statistics, building out new context for our incredible collections, and more! Just think of us as being… well, you know…just in the next room! We miss seeing you at the library, but we’ve pulled together some of…
Washington’s Eulogy by Brother Masons
To honor President’s Day and in particular George Washington’s birthday, the Central Libraries Special Collections want to share a publication from our rare collection. It is a small, plain item without the pomp of our giant illuminated Bibles and manuscripts. A weathered document wrapped in an archival folder. Upon opening, the title reads: “An Eulogy…
New collection brightens New Testament research path
Eldon Jay Epp Collection This past year, the Central Libraries Special Collections were honored to receive the Eldon Jay Epp Collection representing a lifetime of research and publications in the field of New Testament scholarship by Professor Eldon Epp. Prof. Mikeal Parsons, Professor and holder of The Kidd L. and Buna Hitchcock Macon Chair in…
CLSC Updates – Fall 2019
As the campus wraps up another fall semester, the Central Libraries Special Collections (CLSC) staff are looking back at a successful few months of collaboration and outreach. Since August, the unit has completed 40 special collections research consultations and reached 4,156 people through events, classes, or orientation sessions. We can’t wait for the spring semester!…
Censorship Leaves Us in the Dark : Keep the Light On!
The title of this post is the logo for the 2019 National Banned Books Week that runs during this week in September (9/22-28). ALA Banned Books For the past several years, during this week, the libraries have posted highlights of titles that have been banned or challenged over the years including classics like “To Kill…
Welcome, Hannah!
We are thrilled to welcome our new student assistant Hannah Schwandt to Central Libraries Special Collections! Hi, my name is Hannah Schwandt and I am a junior Supply Chain management and MIS double major with a Leadership Studies minor here at Baylor. I’m from Plainfield, Illinois, a suburb of Chicago. On campus I’m involved in…
Brief Update on Activities in the CLSC
Central Libraries Special Collections have a busy fall ahead and are excited about the coming year 2019-20! Here are a few highlights from our past first year: Outreach/Education/Research Added new in-class rare book partnerships with faculty from Business, English, Truett, Museum Studies, and Art. Partnered with new researchers from our local community all the way…