You Know You’re in BIC When…

You live for new Mug content.

Am I right, or am I right?


You can pick up the sound of The Republic opening from a mile away.

And it sends a chill down your spine.  You still have bad dreams about plowing through around thirty pages a night in that bad boy, and the whole sexual communism thing was just kinda icky.  The message you gathered: Plato says that everyone should just leave him in charge of everything.  We see you, Plato…


Your World Cultures I professor invites you and your class over for dinner.

And you get to meet their dog.  And also eat.  But really the dog.  Do normal profs do this?


You’ve passed up late-night Whataburger runs because you’re prepping for that Cultures III exam.

There are literally ten essays you have to prepare for, and no amount of fancy ketchup is gonna lure you away from your desk—wait.  Actually, since you only have to write one out of each group of three essays, you only have to prepare for nine.  That’s just math.  Maybe you have some time for a patty melt after all…


All your BIC friends talk about is BIC.

What did you think about the reading last night?  Who would be more fun to shop with, Aristotle or Socrates?  Did you see Dr. Tatum do the worm at last year’s BIC Bowl?  All valid questions, and you can’t complain, because BIC is all you talk about anymore too.


You’re just comfortable with more extreme things than your non-BIC friends.

“Oh, thank god, we only have to read the first eight chapters tonight.”


The Allegory of the Cave is basically the allegory of your life.

If Moody was a cave.  And if you were chained to your study spot.  And if you were blinded by the sun when you left (if you ever left).  Actually, yes, that all sounds pretty accurate.


You’ve forgotten how to raise your hand in class.

It’s a BICer-eat-BICer world in the realm of classroom discussion, and if you waste precious time to raise your hand, you know that you’ll never get a piece of that philosophical discourse action.  Round table discussion feels so natural to you now that people who wait to be called on to speak in non-BIC classes weird you out a little, if you’re being perfectly honest.


The non-BIC life just seems so… unexamined, you know?

Yes, it’s a ton of work, and yes, you don’t sleep as much as you’d like to, but hey—if that’s what living the examined life takes, then you’re ready for it.  You’d like to see Socrates debate you in front of all of Athens, right?


You live for new Mug content.

What?  We said that already?  Are you sure?

Are You Experiencing BIC-drawals?

Upperclassman, do you sometimes miss being in BIC classes?

It’s weird, right? To only be in a few or just one BIC class – or none at all. Maybe you don’t want to admit your secret longing to be in more stimulating, discussion-based classes, and that’s fine. I get it. We all want to deny our inner nerd. But I know, deep (deep) down, there’s a part of you that actually misses writing New York Times reports.

You’re suffering from what I call BIC-drawals, withdrawals resulting from not taking many BIC classes. Below are some of the symptoms of this odd phenomenon.

  1. When you pass by a whistling Dr. Tom Hanks, you remember the beach ball metaphor and kind of want to cry (tears of joy, of course).
  2. You knew Dr. Walden when she was blonde, and in your mind she will always be blonde. Forever.
  3. You hear underclassmen complain about writing New York Times reports and can’t help but smile in an evil sort of way, as if to say, “Cherish this time, young one. It’s all uphill from here.”
  4. And then you start to think about all the uphill battles you fought, writing 11-page papers at 3 a.m. and studying for the impossible Cultures III midterm, and you think of how good it felt when all your hard work paid off.
  5. And then you begin wishing your current classes were more challenging and thought-provoking.
  6. You get slightly jealous when you hear underclassmen talking about BIC field trips. (If only you could see Dr. Tatum dance one last time.)
  7. You grab lunch with other BICers with whom you share a special bond, but whom you hardly see anymore.
  8. You regularly visit your old BIC professors just to say hello, talk, remind them of the positive impact they’ve had on your life and of how wonderful they are.


(Author: Ada Zhang)

Welcome to the QuickBIC blog!

Hello BICers! How are you today? Caffeinated, I hope?

If you didn’t know already, the QuickBIC is now completely online. Sophomores and upperclassmen may recall that the QuickBIC used to be a paper newsletter that was distributed in large group every month.

Well, we have decided to leave the dark ages behind us and embrace this new thing called The Internet.

Moving the QuickBIC onto The Internet is a really great thing because now, you can read and re-read QuickBIC content whenever you want, wherever you want (as long as you’re near a computer or have a smart phone); you can sleep sound knowing you’re saving trees and being environmentally friendly (go green!); and you’re still getting to read top-quality editorial content. (Did I just flatter myself? Yes.)

In other words, don’t worry. This blog is not going to turn into a Tumblr filth hole of Kim Kardashian GIFs. Not under my watch.

If you’re not already, please follow the QuickBIC Facebook page. That way, you can instantly be notified when there’s a new post.

For freshman who aren’t really sure what this QuickBIC thing is, here’s a brief overview of what sort of content we put out:

  • Political columns – This is the BIC, so who would we even be if we didn’t stay plugged in to current events and talk about them.
  • Advice columns – Upperclassmen BICers have a lot of sage wisdom to offer.
  • Important BIC news – Get all the details on what BIC event is going on where. (But more importantly, know what free food is being provided.)
  • Humor columns – The  QuickBIC is all about that laughter.
  • Kim Kardashian GIFs – Just kidding.

Our content is 100% original, written by members of the BIC Leadership Council as well as the occasional outside contributor. If you wish to contribute an article, send a message to to pitch an idea.

Last thing: give us a follow on Instagram (@quickbic) and double-tap our photos if you find them amusing.

Hope everyone’s midterm week is going swimmingly!



(Author: Ada Zhang)