The Poage Library’s Graduate Research Center welcomes three of its summer graduate workers. These ‘three musketeers’ (we won’t say who has which personality) will be lending their assistance to any graduate students making good use of Baylor’s GRC during evening hours and aiding in other parts of the mission at #PoageLibrary and #BCPM. Malcolm Foley at a recent Baylor Presidential Scholar’s LuncheonMalcolm Foley is entering into the third year of his PhD in the History of Christianity. His academic journey has progressed through many interests from the Christology of the Greek Church Fathers through the views of Calvin and the Puritans on the wonders of union with Christ. Ultimately that winding path has crested at a summit (or in many senses, the nadir) of the Church’s response to the widespread lynching of African Americans in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. When not absorbed in scholarly pursuit or presenting at academic conferences, Malcolm loves to play Guitar Hero and watch Bob’s Burgers. One fun fact about Malcolm is his mastery of impersonation. At parties, he likes to do the voices of Mufasa from the Lion King and of the Old Spice Man. It’s not a game. You can book him at
Nathan Keil poses at his home’s Dodger stadiumNathan Keil is entering his third year working on his Masters of Divinity at George W. Truett Theological Seminary. While he originally hails from Northwood, Ohio, Nathan has adopted the greater Los Angeles area as his home. Over the past year, he has applied his expertise in athletics (his degree concentration is in Sports Ministry) as sports writer for the Baylor Lariat. He looks forward to continuing his contribution to Baylor’s community as the Lariat’s new Sports Editor. He and his wife Amber, who is entering her second year of the Masters of Social Work program at the Diana R. Garland School of Social Work, have a three-year-old adopted shepherd/retriever mix named Stuart. However, as a fun fact, while Nathan has no problem with canine companions, some members of the avian community seems to have it out for him. Sure his experiences have not exactly been Hitchcock’s The Birds, but an ostrich did attack him at a petting zoo, and several experiences in LA have shown that the peacocks are definitely out to get him.
Jeremy Schmuck striking the customary academic pose in front of his bookshelves.Jeremy Schmuck is also entering his third year as a PhD student in Political Science, concentrating in International Relations. He comes from the city of Pensacola located in the northern panhandle of Florida. One of his current research interests is the role of naval power in American foreign policy and diplomacy. Like many academics, Jeremy is an ardent bibliophile who since his youth has always spent time on any vacation perusing the local bookshops. When not engaged in his day job of graduate student, Jeremy usually can be found ensconced in his favorite reading chair engrossed in a book or indulging his alter ego of armchair military historian and board/computer game strategist.