About James R. Garven

Current Appointments

Frank S. Groner Memorial Chair in Finance, Professor of Finance and Insurance, and Director of the Risk Management and Insurance Program at Baylor University.

Contact Information

Department of Finance
Hankamer School of Business
Baylor University
Foster 320.39
Waco, TX 76798 USA
Voice: +1 (254) 307-1317
E-mail: James Garven@baylor.edu


Ph.D., University of Illinois
MBA, Illinois State University
BS, Illinois State University


My areas of expertise include financial economics, insurance economics, and risk management and insurance. My research primarily involves the application of finance and economics to the analysis, pricing, and management of risk. 

Personal Home Page: https://blogs.baylor.edu/jamesgarven
Official Faculty Page: https://hankamer.baylor.edu/person/james-r-garven
Curriculum Vitae: http://vita.garven.com
Google Scholar: http://scholar.garven.com


I have published widely in academic and professional journals and books, including Geneva Risk and Insurance Review, Insurance Mathematics and Economics, Journal of Business, Journal of Finance, Journal of Financial Intermediation, Journal of Financial Services Research, Journal of Risk and Insurance, North American Actuarial Journal, Risk Management and Insurance Review, and Handbook of Insurance. I currently serve on the editorial board of Geneva Risk and Insurance Review and am a past president of the American Risk and Insurance Association and the Risk Theory Society.

I am the recipient of several prestigious academic honors, including the American Risk and Insurance Association’s Robert C. Witt and Robert I. Mehr Research Awards, the American Risk and Insurance Association’s Excellence in Teaching Award, the Hankamer School’s Distinguished Professor Award, and Baylor University’s University Research Award.

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