My primary academic service commitment throughout my career has been with the American Risk and Insurance Association (ARIA). I am a past president of ARIA, having served as a member of ARIA’s board of directors from 2001-2004 and as an officer from 2005-2008. In 2005, I organized the inaugural meeting of an international conference called the World Risk and Insurance Economics Congress. A second World Congress occurred in 2010 in Singapore, a third World Congress was convened in 2015 in Munich, and a fourth World Congress convened online in 2020.
I continue to remain actively involved with ARIA and serve on various committees for this association. I also am a member of two Casualty Actuarial Society (CAS) committees: 1) the Committee on Theory of Risk and 2) the CAS-ARIA Prize Paper Committee.
As Director of Baylor’s Risk Management and Insurance program, I secure and administer external funding sources which support student scholarships as well as the risk management and insurance program. New and ongoing annual funding typically ranges $10,000 to $12,000 per year.