
Blog Reflection #4

I am an okay communicator. some strategies I use include setting reminders for things, providing information almost as soon as I receive it, and having empathy. I need to work on not being lazy when communicating. to me, It never hurts to give more information than necessary. Also, giving people a large amount of time to read the note when I communicated through technology. when It comes to face to face communication, I do really well because I love to talk so communicating instructions comes very easily to me.


Blog Reflection #2

I am not involved at Baylor yet because of complications with Covid-19 and because I am still new and want to focus on my studies. My leadership style comes down to a coupe different fundamentals. I like to put myself in the shoes of the followers to justify my actions. So, I always show up early to practice, event, etc. Because punctuality shows respect and commitment. I would not want to be a follower under a disrespectful leader. I also commit all of my time to whatever activity I do. If you say you are committed to something, you have to see it through. For me, this means getting haircuts during lunch so I didn’t miss practice after school, have doctors and dentists appointments on weekends, and sitting out from parties so that I was ready for the game the next day. If you can’t commit yourself to something then it’s because you aren’t trying.


Blog Reflection #3

I started my leadership journey my freshman year of high school. My motto has always been “shoot or shoot” meaning always try something because you never know if you’ll like it or not. Because of this mentality, I joined the Cross country team, the track team, acapella, the musical, and became a Peer Leader. I lover to participate in different extra curriculars and to be a part of something bigger than myself. The more experienced I became with being a follower, the better I became at being a leader. I used my knowledge working as a team to figure out how to lead a team and I became a leader in many different facets of my life.


Blog Homework #6

1. I am very loyal in a leader/ follower relationship, I am usually in the in-group and follow the LMX stages very well.

2. I think these are definitely positive. to solidify them I will keep doing what I’m doing because I have been very successful with my methods


Blog Homework #5

1. The people who talk to the camera are the leaders for each group. They refer to each group with a different name.

2. This is LMX theory at work because 1, the kids separate in to distinct groups, 2. there are hierarchies in each group, and 3, they have outgroups like the loners.

3. The setting on the playgroup results in people separating because of physical barriers and the uniforms at the school make it easy to identify everyone’s differences. this is good because kids who enjoy the same things can easily identify each other but it’s bad because the people who don’t have a standout trait get left behind as a loner (sad name)


Blog Homework #4

1. Usually I am in the in-group because I enjoy interacting with my teacher/boss/leader etc.

2. I usually skip the stranger stage because I don’t like it so I just act like I know the person. It sounds strange but it works for me!

3. I usually have a I got your back you got mine relationship with my superiors. For example, my guidance counselor and I had a great relationship so whenever I got into trouble, she would vouch for me. She would also give me hall passes when I was late to class.

4. My status was determined by role responsibilities. for example, the choir teacher liked me because I was the choir president and I did acapella.

5. Never. Inviting someone into a group should be easy because no one will be upset with you for doing the right thing

6. I try to be as nice to them as possible but if I am a leader and someone is in the out group 9 times out of 10 it’s because they want to be.


Blog Homework #3

1. People with less experice tend to have the same scores a people that are also new. People with the same back round usually have the same scores.

2. Different attributes tend to result in different scores. Men for the most part have the same opinions as other men and same goes for women.

3. I need to work on my human skills. To become better, I will Interact with more people so I become comfortable being talking with them.


Blog Homework #2

I do not completely agree with situational leadership. For instance, If someone is very motivated but incompetent they need a lot of support and direction, But someone who is not as motivated and just as incompetent needs the same amount of direction and support. when you are learning an instrument, you are very motivated to get better but you know nothing, once you’ve been practicing for a while, you lose the initial excitement but now you are an intermediate level player. Then, you feel stuck at the intermediate level and become unmotivated to continue, at this point you are unsure of your playing ability and whether or not you’re good. finally, you become a very good player and you are motivated to play for people because you are confident.


Blog Homework #1

1. In any given situation, I’m usually D1 level so the leader should use S1 because I need guidance to complete the task. If the task was singing a song in the choir, then I would be D4 so the conductor would respond with S4.

2. If the people you are working with aren’t motivated, it becomes difficult to be directive. If the people you are working have a vendetta against you then it becomes difficult to be supportive.

3. A leader’s main concern will cause them to be different. you should be focused on support if your group members are a low developmental level and vice versa. Follower that is D2 is not very motivated and also not very experienced and because of their lack of knowledge, they can become demoralized. Commitment to me looks like being excited to work and competence looks like confidence. Seasoned employees will eventually lose competence because as the world changes they can often times get left behind. People might perceive being very supportive to a new employee as favoritism when in reality they are just providing them with help. by being supportive to everyone, a leader can avoid those accusations. the more followers there are, the more difficult it becomes to tend to each one of the followers’ need.


Blog Homework #5

1. The characteristic I would like to change the most in a group setting would be a lack of passion/ motivation

2. Positive improvement would look like people going to work and being absolutely psyched to be there and wanting to do the best possible job.

3. You can lead by example, by being the most passionate most motivated person in the room, that passion can be contagious and will infect the rest of the group

4. Country-Club Management: If you are a company where the happiness of you customers and staff is the number one priority, this is the best option. Facebook and Google are great examples of this.
Middle-of-the-Road Management: If are the manager of a small local business this would be a great option. You have to get things done while also maintaining good relationships with your employees.
Impoverished Management: If you are a camp counselor for a summer camp this is an adequate leadership style. Young kids like people that are older than you so you must maintain the element of mystery to have respect
Authority-Compliance Management: If you are starting you own business this is the way to go. You must be focused on accomplishing goals because when you business is small, one small hiccup can cause you to lose everything

5. I can never see the Impoverished Management style being effective. There is always room for a leader to get to know their followers and if you are a leader you should be motivated to accomplish goals.