
On this page, you will find publications from several different places and times during the campaign.


Newspaper Excerpt, Brownsville Herald, Brownsville, Texas, February 20, 1915

  1. What is this document? When is it from? Who is it by?
  2. How is the campaign going according to the Herald?
  3. Who is receiving the credit for the success of the campaign?
  4. How does this affect public thought on the campaign?


Australian Recruitment Poster, 1915

  1. What is this document? When is it from? Who is it by?
  2. How many men does it say are need per day? What does it say about the thought on losses that would be sustained?
  3. How does it try and encourage Australians to enlist for service?


Newspaper Excerpt, South Bend News-Times, South Bend Indiana, December 10, 1915

  1. What is this document? When is it from? Who is it by?
  2. What does the chronology say about the campaign up to that point?
  3. What were the losses like in the first nine months of the campaign?
  4. What were the contributions and actions of the British and other major Allied powers?