Live OCI Q/A August 9th, 2016 at 3:00pm


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    Daniel Hare

    We answer all your burning OCI questions!

    Daniel Hare

    We’re about to get things started here! All you’ll need to do is enter your name and email address one time, and you can ask as many questions as you like!

    Savannah Hostetter

    If we are interviewing back-to-back in different locations, will firms know we could be a few minutes late?

    Daniel Hare

    Hi Savannah! When there is a back-to-back interview, Angela or I will pick you up from your first interview and walk you to the second, and mention to the second why you are a minute or two late. It won’t be a problem. Great question!


    Savannah, thank you for getting us started! Here is another question: May we take in a notepad/portfolio into the interview, to write answers to our questions and reference any notes we may have made about the firm?

    Savannah Hostetter

    Is there a way for me to find and connect with older Baylor Law students who just spent their summers at some of the firms I will be interviewing with?

    If the interviewers’ names are not listed, may we reach out (if it is recommended!) to the firms to get those names?


    Savannah, both good questions! If you would like to reach out to Baylor Law students who clerked for a firm, let us know. The CDO will contact students to see if they will be willing to speak to you about their experience. (I am sure all will be!)

    Please do not contact OCI employers directly. We ask employers for interviewer information. We will do our best to get that information to you before your interviews.

    Savannah Hostetter

    Great! Thank you all for doing this forum! I am so excited for OCI!!!

    Daniel Hare

    Answering Angela’s question, yes it is appropriate to take a notepad/portfolio into the interview, with a couple of caveats:

    1) You shouldn’t have a list of notes that you read from when answering interview questions, but you could (should?) have questions you’re going to ask the employer written down; and

    2) A notepad/portfolio does not mean purses, backpacks or other types of bags. We can keep those for you in the CDO office.

    Dave Coles

    Do you recommend carrying paper copies of resume, transcript, etc. into the interview even if the employer has not requested the interviewee to do so?

    Savannah Hostetter

    I would like to be able to talk to the students who interned for Gardere (Houston & Dallas), but I don’t know their names. Also, if there were any students at Kelly Hart, I would love to talk to them too!


    I recommend bringing copies of your resume, transcript, and writing sample. Only offer a copy of your updated resume if you made a significant change to your resume since bidding. Only provide the interviewer a copy of your transcript and/or writing sample if the interviewer requests either document.

    Jason Cobb

    Some firms ask us to bring resumes/other papers with us to the interview. Should we be prepared to have these ready for all firms in hand regardless if they asked for them?
    And you explained no bags, is a briefcase OK to bring with into interviews to hold these papers?


    Savannah, please send me those firm names in an email so that I don’t forget to follow up with you.

    Joanna Raines

    During undergrad I was told to send thank you notes after interviews. Is this a good idea after OCI’s?

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