September 15

Ciliates meet again – Lab 2

Timothy Tatéossian – September 13

– Lab complete September 6


In this lab, we observed last week’s ciliates. The ciliates were kept in relatively dark conditions with minimal food. My observations of the ciliates are:

Well A: Alive

Well B: Unresponsive – Body exists without movement

Well C: Dead

Well D: Dead

Well E: Exactly 2 ciliates were alive

In addition, I created a new well with the model organism Tetrahymena.

Well T: Alive, maybe 1000+. The organisms have a round shape and are almost transparent. There was a noticeably higher concentration of Tetrahymena near the center of the well.

In all wells except well T, I added a drop of Cerophyll to the wells. Since cerophyll could be described as “ciliate fertilizer”, then I expect either the population to grow or that the existing ciliates become more active.


While we did not finalize the experimental design, we did agree on a few things:

  • Use Tetrahymena
  • Use salt stress
  • Measure this by number of organisms in wells
  • Use NaCl as stress

We were still finalizing whether to vary the salt or the concentration of one salt.

Posted September 15, 2016 by Tateossian Timothy in category General, Timothy Tatéossian's Notebook

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