About stephen_reid

Professor of Christian Scriptures at George W. Truett Theological Seminary at Baylor University.


Below is an email I sent to some of my students who are blogging in partial completion of the course requirements for my basic Hebrew Scriptures course.


Thank you again for building blogging into your learning plan.  I am not much of a blogger myself. I can do microblogging using Google +, Facebook and Twitter but full blown blogging I am not very accomplished.

Nonetheless, I have learned some things. A good blog is thoughtful and well written. That goes without saying. In addition to all that it shares the reflections of the author but also curates resources digital and otherwise. For instance Christianity Today had a piece on N.T. Wright’s position on the role of the Psalter and worship. I also watch the Christian Century blog site.  There you will find Blogging to Sunday, that reflects on the lectionary text for the next week. This week Exodus 32 is up. Shauna K. Hanan wrote a piece on Exodus 32.

I also keep up with the Society of Biblical Literature both on their webpage as well as their Facebook group.

Also if you want to interact with other blogs consider Patheos. They have various faith channels. James McGrath has an interesting piece on Exodus. Embedded in his post is a YouTube piece of a lecture. Don’t forget our own faculty such as Roger Olson and Mike Stroope both have blogs that you might find interesting.

Don’t forget to interact with the other blogs in the class. Remember if your blog does not link to another conversation it is likely a megaphone to the Internet with likely no one to listen.

Turnitin First Draft “Stopping Word Thieves”

The firm Turnitin that provides universities software that help detect plagiarism. In their electronic newsletter First Draft picked up a story from CBS news interviewed infamous plagiarists Quentin Rowan and Jayson Blair.  The story also highlights the company Turnitin. Nonetheless, it is a story worth watching. Stopping Word Thieves take time to watch it.