Shiner’s Story

Right after pulling Shiner out from under the house.

Right after pulling Shiner out from under the house.

On August 20, 2013 Shiner became a part of my family. My lab, Janet, and I were watching tv when I noticed she seemed to be hearing something outside and thought I heard something as well. I searched around the house a couple times but didn’t hear or see anything so I went back inside. An hour later Janet was still perking up her ears and seemed to be very anxious. I took her outside and gave her the “find it” command. A few minutes later she began pawing at the side of our duplex. I dug out a bit under the wall and found the saddest, most gorgeous set of puppy eyes staring back at me. Several hot dogs later I coaxed the puppy out from under the house.

She was in rough shape. She inherited a genetic skin mite from her mother called Demodex. This required daily skin medicine which she hated. The vet estimated that she was around 7-8wks old, just old enough to start eating solid food. She was terrified of everyone and everything. Over the past year she has developed into such a little fireball with a huge personality. Her youthful energy has done wonders for Janet and me. Often Shiner will get excited and tear around the duplex, running circles around the coffee table. Then she will settle down and quietly snuggle with us on the couch. I’ve had rescue and poorly behaved dogs before but never have I seen such a transformation as I have witnessed with Shiner. I’ve struggled a lot over the past year with some difficult situations and the joy I see in Shiner has simply been infectious. It’s so hard to be depressed or anxious when she comes running up, splays out across your chest and stomach and starts licking you all over your face. She acts as our resident guard dog (the 80lb lab is just friends with everyone). The cat both hates and loves her, every night they roughhouse before finally settling down to bed. I’m so grateful that she became a part of our little family. In honor of her “gotcha day” I thought I would share some photos of her journey thus far. Enjoy. And if you are looking for a pet, don’t forget to check the shelter. You may just hit the jackpot 🙂

Scared to be inside

Scared to be inside

Lots of sleeping at first

Lots of sleeping at first

She wanted so badly to be on the couch with J

She wanted so badly to be on the couch with J

Beginning to play together

Beginning to play together


Learning the trade

Learning the trade

The effects of her Demodex

The effects of her Demodex

The effects of her Demodex

The effects of her Demodex

She's so small compared to these regular sized rawhides.

She’s so small compared to these regular sized rawhides.



Happy in her new home

Happy in her new home

Christmas 2013

Christmas 2013


Getting bigger

Getting bigger


First snow, December 2013

First snow, December 2013

First snow, December 2013

First snow, December 2013



Finally able to be next to J

Finally able to be next to J

Playtime at the lake

Playtime at the lake

Playing at the lake

Playing at the lake



After a run in Cameron Park

After a run in Cameron Park

She loves to sleep on my freshly laundered clothes

She loves to sleep on my freshly laundered clothes

Car ride!

Car ride!

Sock theif

Sock theif

Hangin' out at the ranch

Hangin’ out at the ranch

Getting so big

Getting so big

Bluebonnets at our ranch

Bluebonnets at our ranch

Finally learning how to snuggle, April 2014

Finally learning how to snuggle, April 2014

More Katie's

More Katie’s

Snuggling with one of her favorite people, my sister Sarah

Snuggling with one of her favorite people, my sister Sarah

So big and cuddly

So big and cuddly


Can't believe how big she is and that it's already been a year. Looking forward to many more. Not a trace of the Demodoex!

Can’t believe how big she is and that it’s already been a year. Looking forward to many more. Not a trace of the Demodoex and still the most gorgeous eyes ever!

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