Note from the Director — Fall 2015

homecomingDear  BIC Alumni,

It is an exciting year for the  BIC. We are celebrating 20 years! We hope that you will make the trip for Homecoming to help us mark this moment in history. As part of our celebration, we are also launching a fundraising campaign–BIC Really Goes Global–to help support study abroad opportunities for our students. You can give directly to this initiative at our website.

Please do join us on Friday afternoon, October 23, for our Homecoming activities. You can sit in on World Cultures I and III that morning, and then at 2:45pm you can listen to BIC alum,  John Michael Marrs, now Assistant Professor of Theaetre at Baylor, offer our annual BIC Homecoming Lecture. His talk is  “Art and Interruption: Living the Examined Life” (read our recent interview with Professor Marrs). The lecture will be held in the beautiful new Paul L. Foster Campus for Business and Innovation, room 143-144. There will be Dr. Pepper floats afterwards, of course.

We will also have BIC students, faculty, and BIC offspring marching in the Homecoming  Parade! And there will be a place for everyone to gather at the Honors College tent Saturday morning.  If you would like to join us in the parade march, you are more than welcome!

We look forward to seeing you, and even if you can’t make it, know that we celebrate your accomplishments every day!


Anne-Marie Schultz
Director, Baylor Interdisciplinary Core


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