Lariat Article: “Baylor babies teach profs to juggle demands”

Photo credit: Baylor Lariat, Travis Taylor

Dr. Sarah Walden, BIC Assistant Professor, was recently featured in a Baylor Lariat article written by BIC student, Ada Zhang. The article looks at some of the challenges Baylor professors face when trying to balance work and family. The article also features Courtney DePalma, Program Director for the Honors Residential College. Here’s an excerpt:

Walden said the roles of educator and mother are complementary to each another. Each contributes to the other, making her better at both, she said.

Walden said she openly talks about Liam to show students they don’t have to choose between motherhood and a career.

“You can be fulfilled in multiple ways,” Walden said. “You don’t have to choose one over the other. I find work and motherhood to be fulfilling, and they don’t conflict.”

Read the full article.


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