Bacteriophage Video

Still no phage you guys. Because of phage buffer contamination, I repeated my serials dilutions for samples 4,5, and 6 and plated them again using new phage buffer. And I collected and prepared new enrichment cultures for two new samples, just to be ready to try more soil in case nothing is on the plate. Hopefully plaque show up on one of these samples, and there is no contamination.

But instead of dwelling on the lack of phage, I thought I would share this video my little sister sent me of bacteriophage. She is in freshman biology in high school, and I guess they watched this in class.  It’s really coincidental since we seem to be having an epic science video war in class. She was like, “Is this really what happens?!” Either way, I thought it was hilarious but really cool at the same time, and I’d like to think that when phage eventually infect my Arthrobacter, it will go something like this: