
My future life…

Who knew that Pinterest would be so practically helpful to me? Today I happened to be scrolling down my home page when I stumbled upon a pin referencing a professional organizer. I followed the link to a blog by someone whose JOB is organizing things! That is exactly what I want to do with my life! I am currently working up the guts to email her and ask her about how she got where she is today and if she has any tips for a young sprout like me. Yikes! Real world is coming on fast!

P.S. Here’s the link to her page!:

An Unwanted Visitor

Last night, around 12 am, I was putting laundry in the washing machine, and my roommate was cleaning up the living room. I turned around to get more laundry out of my hamper when what do I see scurrying across the floor? The world’s largest cockroach. I screamed, my roommate yelled “What??” and all I could say was “Come quick! Get something!” She peeked over the kitchen corner to see what I was looking at, and screamed as well. She grabbed a Food for Thought cup and quickly ran and covered it just before it got to our refrigerator. It was angry. It ran around in circles against the wall of the cup, then began climbing up the side of the cup. I have never been more disgusted. We placed a bowl on top of the cup to keep it from crawling away with it, and called our (male) friend, who was so kind as to come and dispose of it for us. Even he was surprised at how big it was.

The scariest thing about this whole ordeal, though, was the question of “How in the world did a roach that big get in here?!” We spent a good 20 minutes searching our apartment for cracks and crevices and any other signs of monster invasion. None to be found. We are praying it was fluke event and that we will never again meet…. The Cockroach of Death