Interesting Introductions

By Maggie Malone

The break was a little short, but isn’t it always? It’s hard trying to get back into the daily routine of eat, study, sleep. However, the beginning of each new semester gives us a chance for a fresh start.

For my part, I’ll begin the year with a story:

At first, I didn’t think that I would get along with the professor for my philosophy class. He was outspoken and snarky, and my slightly sleep deprived brain couldn’t wrap my mind around anything he was trying to say. I began to dread waking up for his class.

However, this professor wasn’t the best with names. So this morning, he brought us all bright lime green cards with our names on them to decorate. He would read out the name on the card, then hand it to its intended recipient, attempting to memorize their faces in the process. When the professor got to my name, he gasped. “MAGGIE MALONE?!” he gasped, “I love your name! It sounds just like a character in a book!” (That was the first time in a while that I had heard a grown man squeal.) After cheerfully prancing to my seat in the back of the room and handing me my name card, he asked me where I was from. Turns out, we’re from the same state! My professor and I geeked out about the most random Missouri things for a few minutes before class started again. I think I’m going to like this class after all. Oh, and I need to thank my parents for giving me such a rad name.

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