You Are Entering Baylor Nation

By Frances George

Welcome to fall of your senior year in high school! A time filled with so many lasts (as my daughter called them back in the fall of 2010 when she was a senior in high school), so many memories and so many decisions to be made – some before the end of the semester. And amid all of the events of senior year, there is one overriding, all-consuming decision that you go to bed thinking about, wake up having dreamt about and go throughout your day pondering: “WHERE will I be next year at this time?”

___________ University

What institution’s name will fill in the blank? It is THE question on every Class of 2015 student’s mind. Overwhelmed? Don’t be. You see, there is an amazing school straight down I-35 South (or up, depending on which direction from which you originate!) in a wonderful college town in Texas, once known primarily as the birthplace of Dr Pepper but now known as the home of Baylor Nation. It is a school that has all the statistics to sufficiently impress you on every level: academically, socially, aesthetically, musically and athletically. But let’s be honest, there are lots of top tier schools that have a lovely campus and all of the bells and whistles to attract top scholars, athletes and artists. So what is it that sets Baylor apart?

Just last week my husband and I were in Dallas for a board meeting. Our daughter drove up from Baylor just for dinner and a quick visit (We are from North Carolina in case you are wondering). Three hours after she arrived, she was headed back down I-35! But in those brief moments, I caught yet another glimpse of what makes Baylor unique and why I am thankful our daughter is a part of this place called Baylor Nation.

When our daughter arrived in Dallas late in the afternoon, she read us the text sent from her professor, as she had to alert him that she would miss his mid-week class in order to join us for dinner. The response from the professor was astounding (An aside: That a upper-level course professor at a major university would take the time to text a student is rare, but what he wrote was even more unique). The professor texted our daughter this message before she headed to Dallas: “Don’t text and drive! Be safe. Have a great time with your parents. Don’t worry about missing class today. Being with parents is more important. Drive safely back to school and remember – don’t text and drive!”

That is Baylor Nation.

That night, we ate dinner with the full board and their spouses at a lovely uptown restaurant. Our daughter has met many of these board members, men and women from around the state of Texas and around the nation, multiple times over, during the three years she has been at Baylor. Somehow this night was different. Watching our daughter interact with financial officers, legal counsel, the chief executive officer and their spouses with ease, wit and grace that came as naturally as if she had known them her entire life was a joy to watch throughout the evening. Our daughter who came to Baylor three years ago as an out-of-state freshman, knowing no one, has been nurtured and taught life skills far beyond the scope of classroom and textbooks. She has grown into a dynamic young woman who seamlessly goes in and out of a variety of events with ease. Her regular exposure to and interaction with faculty and administration, her involvement and leadership role in her sorority house and her winsome group of close friends have helped shape her in ways that are a blessing to witness. She could learn all about journalism, public relations, communication and Spanish on any campus, but here at Baylor, something extra has taken place. She has become a young woman who will make a difference in her generation.

This is Baylor Nation.

The Baylor difference resides in the things you can see in your student as they go through their four years at Baylor: grace, poise and confidence in conversation. The Baylor difference resides in the big and little unseen things our students are taught by outstanding and uniquely gifted professors: “Don’t text and drive and have a great time with your parents” translates into “I care about you as a person, and I respect, admire and recognize the relationship you have with your parents.” What other major university professor says that? So, above all, the Baylor difference resides in not only the things you can see, but more importantly in the things you can’t see. It is reflected in the ever deepening character of your student and shaped by what takes place on campus and in the broader Baylor community. Growing up in a strong nation with strong leaders makes a difference. That’s the Baylor Nation difference. When you see the billboards as you enter Waco that read “You are entering Baylor Nation,” they are true. It is a place unlike any other. It is a nation building tomorrow’s leaders, leaders who will make a difference, rooted in Waco, changing the world.

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