Leadership Training AKA Baylor University

By Frances George, A Baylor Parent

Going to Baylor from North Carolina, having known no one, could have been somewhat scary and a little daunting. For a group of six girls, none of whom knew each other prior to walking onto campus in the fall of 2012, that was the situation. Six girls, five from different cities in Texas and one from North Carolina, descended onto the Baylor campus in August 2012. Over the course of the first semester, they became friends.

In January 2013, as Recruitment drew near (“Rush” for us old timers), they all had multiple houses they enjoyed and in which they had made friends. As the week of events narrowed the field, they prayed together in earnest as to which house they would choose (and that, hopefully, would choose them). They had friends in each house, and some were being strongly pulled to several houses. My daughter and I talked each day, and I tried not to influence her decision, as one of the houses was the house to which I belonged in college. As “Pref Day” drew near and the choice had to be made, I remember my daughter calling and saying that the Group of Six had, as a result of much prayer, decided that there was one house in which they wanted, as believers, to make a difference. It was that house they would all cast their lot and let God decide.

As it turned out, they all pledged the same house and in the short year that has passed, they have indeed made a difference. One was chosen to attend the national conference for that sorority this past fall where she representing Baylor and their house, an honor and privilege. One has been elected Recruitment Chair, one is Pledge Trainer and one is Chaplain. All of this to say, Baylor is a place where you do not have to be a legacy on campus (or in a sorority) to make a difference and to lead. Leadership training takes place every day, among peers who make deep and lasting friendships, who not only work and play together, but pray together, find their niche (Greek life, student government, athletics, and a host of other outstanding options) and look toward the mark they can make on campus.

This Group of Six lives with a purpose every day in every situation. These girls, my very precious Group of Six, are all beautiful, inside and out.  They are the kind of young women who will make a difference among their generation and in the world in just a few short years, but that difference begins now. It began at Baylor. It is nourished at Baylor. They are courageous and talented young women, with a heart for God and a vision broader than this weekend’s events or even this week’s Brit Lit paper.

They look to their older peers and learn.

They look to the younger ones and lead.

They look Above and listen.

Leadership training at Baylor exists in the most wonderful places and among the most amazing young women (and men, I’m sure!). So, if you are looking for a college that has it all and leadership training built in to the students’ DNA, look no further than Baylor.

Leadership Training AKA Baylor University.

And yes, my daughter’s house made it to “Pigskin Review” in the fall as a result of SING! Was it all I imagined? Yes…and so much more.  Just like Baylor.

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