It’s Beginning to Look a Lot Like…Finals!

By Avery Jackson

That time of year is upon us! Yes, that’s right. IT’S FINALS WEEK!

As I procrastinate on my harder studies by doing my “easier” homework assignments, I was thinking about ways to make studying a little more fruitful. And I know y’all are still in high school, but you guys have finals too. Here are a few helpful tips to studying that I have been using for a while. Hope they help!

1. Take a 10 minute break every hour, so your brain doesn’t become a fried egg.

2. Switch subjects every two hours. (I don’t know why, maybe it makes you feel less frustrated).

3. Get six to nine hours of sleep at night! This helps boost long-term memory!

4. Have a regular sleep schedule. Your body LOVES routine, even if you are spontaneous.

5. This one is my favorite: EAT CARBS! Protein is very lean, and while it is very beneficial to you, carbs provide a boost of energy to your brain. So yes, eat that cookie!

6. Review harder concepts right before you go to bed. Not only will it bore you to sleep, but also your brain will store that information first.

7. EXERCISE! Take a walk or go for a run! This will get some of those lethargic tendencies you feel after you sit for a while to dissipate and allow you to focus better. Besides, you can take your flash cards or book to the gym with you and read while you walk on the treadmill.

Hope these help! Now back to your work! 🙂

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