Digital Scholarly Edition of “Tintern Abbey” by William Wordsworth This tool offers an annotated digital scholarly edition of Wordsworth’s “Lines Written a Few Miles Above Tintern Abbey: On Revisiting the Banks of the Wye During a Tour, July 13, 1798,” as it first appeared…
Friday, April 7, 2017 3:30-5:00 Armstrong Browning Lecture Hall Dr. Joshua King (English, Baylor) will facilitate a symposium entitled “Representations of Religion in Nineteenth-Century Literature and Culture.” This panel will include an opening presentation by Dr. Mark Knight (English, Lancaster University, UK) entitled…

Letter from Percy Florence Shelley to Tom Taylor, Jan. 11, 1871 Rare Item Analysis by Emily Bell, Catherine Burr, and Alex Ueckert Percy Florence Shelley, the son of the famous romantic poets, Percy and Mary Shelley, decided to take a different route in his…

William Blake’s Songs of Innocence and of Experience (London: W. Pickering, 1839) ABLibrary Brownings’ Lib X BL 821.7 B636s 1839 Rare Item Analysis by Hannah Johnson, Annie McCausland, and Cody Shreffler This rare-item is a first edition of the first volume of William Blake’s (1757–1827)…

Samuel Taylor Coleridge, Biographia Literaria, or, Biographical sketches of my literary life and opinions (London: Rest Fenner, 1817), first edition. Armstrong Browning Library 19th Century Collection: PR4476.A1 1817b v.1 & 2 Rare Item Analysis: The Ghost Annotators of Coleridge’s First Edition of Biographia Literaria Explained?…

Elizabeth Barrett Browning. Mr. Haydon’s Portrait of Wm. Wordsworth. [1 p.] [ca. 1842]. Holograph sonnet unsigned. Published in The Athenaeum, 29 Oct. 1842. Later published in her Poems (1844). Leaf 3 recto of her autograph notebook. Browning Guide D0617 Rare Item Analysis by Ann Vondrak, Meagan…
Friday, February 17, 2017 3:30-4:30 Armstrong Browning Lecture Hall Dr. Sarah Williams (History of Christianity, Regent College) will present “Outward Signs and Inward Graces: The Place of Popular Religion in the Age of Urbanization and Empire.” This talk explores religious identity in the…
Friday, February 17 3:30-4:30pm ABL Lecture Hall Dr. Sarah Williams (History, Regent College): “Outward Signs and Inward Graces: Popular Religion in the Age of Empire” Friday, March 24 3:30-4:30pm ABL Lecture Hall Panel moderated by Jennifer Borderud, featuring: ABL Fellow Dr. Lynne Hinojosa (Literature, Honors College…
Three-Month Research Fellowship: Announcement of Award Armstrong Browning Library, Baylor University The Armstrong Browning Library (ABL: is a world-renowned research center and rare-collections library devoted to nineteenth-century studies located on the campus of Baylor University. Recently, the ABL created a Three-Month Research…

Friday, Nov. 11 3:30pm-5:00pm Film screening of Many Beautiful Things: The Life and Vision of Lilias Trotter This 2015 documentary about Lilias Trotter and Ruskin is produced by Hisao Kurosawa (Ran) and features voicing by Michelle Dockery and John Rhys-Davies