Written on Jan, 26, 2016
by 19CRS
Feb. 5 The Armstrong Browning Library piloted a teaching fellows program in summer 2015 to encourage the use of the Library’s collections in Baylor graduate and undergraduate curricula. Fellowships were awarded to four full-time Baylor faculty members and two graduate teaching assistants (teachers…
Written on Jan, 23, 2016
by 19CRS
Elizabeth Barrett Browning to John Kenyon, mid-March, 1855 Elizabeth Barrett Browning to Jane Wills-Sanford, 2 March, 1857 Robert Bulwer Lytton to Elizabeth Barrett and Robert Browning, 26 December 1856 John Ruskin to Robert Browning, 27 November, 1856 The Reception of Elizabeth Barrett Browning’s…
Written on Jan, 23, 2016
by 19CRS
Percy Shelley, Queen Mab (London: Printed and published by W. Clar 1821); annotation p. 180 by Samuel Taylor Coleridge ABLibrary 19thCent PR5417 .A1 1821b Percy Shelley, Masque of Anarchy. A Poem. Now First published with a preface by Leigh Hunt (London: Edward Moxon, 1832)…
Written on Jan, 23, 2016
by 19CRS
Jones, Robert Crompton, ed. Poems of the Inner Life: Selected Chiefly from Modern Authors. London: Sampson Low, Son, and Marston, 1866. Print. Rossetti, Christina. Time Flies: A Reading Diary. London: Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, 1890. Print. —. Verses. London: Society for Promoting…
Written on Jan, 23, 2016
by 19CRS
Manuscript. Elizabeth Barrett Browning on the death of Lord Byron. [2 p.] Not dated. Holograph, unsigned. Poem of 38 lines with additions and corrections. Rare Item Analysis: Elizabeth Barrett Browning on the Death of Lord Byron By Robin Landrith In response to Lord Byron’s…
Written on Jan, 23, 2016
by 19CRS
Elizabeth Barrett Browning. Mr. Haydon’s Portrait of Wm. Wordsworth. [1 p.] [ca. 1842]. Holograph sonnet unsigned. Published in The Athenaeum, 29 Oct. 1842. Later published in her Poems (1844). Leaf 3 recto of her autograph notebook Rare Item Analysis: Elizabeth Barrett Browning’s Sonnet “On a…
Written on Jan, 23, 2016
by 19CRS
Unpublished Letter by Samuel Taylor Coleridge: “1813, Oct. 2, Samuel Taylor Coleridge to T.G. Street” Rare Item Analysis: Coleridge, Politics, and the Role of Government By Daniel Adams Presentation: Adams Rare Item Presentation The rare item is a letter written by Romantic poet Samuel Taylor…
Written on Jan, 23, 2016
by 19CRS
Robinson, Mary, Lyrical Tales (London: Printed for T.N. Longman and O. Rees by Biggs and Co., Bristol, 1800). First edition. ABLibrary 19thCent PR5233.R27 L97 1800 Rare Item Analysis: A Woman’s Take By Sarah Kramer Presentation: Kramer Rare item presentation Mary Robinson, née Darby, was an…
Written on Jan, 23, 2016
by 19CRS
The Grave, a poem. By Robert Blair. Illustrated by twelve etchings executed from original designs [designs by Blake]. London: Printed by T. Bensley, for the proprietor, RH Cromek (1808): ABLibrary Rare OVZ X 821.59 B635g Rare Item Presentation By Bahar Saber William Blake…
Written on Jan, 21, 2016
by 19CRS
Correspondence related to Robert Browning’s The Ring and the Book 19 November 1862. Browning, Robert to Blagden, Isa. 19 March 1866. Browning, Robert to Panizzi, Anthony. 19 November 1868. Browning, Robert to Wedgwood, Julia. 30 January 1869. Wedgwood, Julia to Browning, Robert. 1 February…