Tagged: storms

Mark 4:35-41

This text is used for the Lectionary Year B on June 21, 2015.

Hermano León Clipart
Hermano León Clipart

Water.  Chaos.  Danger.  Terror.  Fear.  Rescue.  Safety.  Resolution.  This could be a scene out of a popular movie.  The drama is palpable and the language is that of an author who was present for these events.  It’s urgent and real and personal.

The details of the story leave all kinds of interesting questions to ask.  Why were they leaving the crowd?  Jesus says, “let’s go,” and then they “took him” “just as he was.”  What’s the significance of “how he was?”  Why were they leaving at night?  What’s the role of the boat, which Jesus had already used as a pulpit?  Why were they going to the other side of the sea?  Why leave after night had fallen?  And what of the “other boats who were along with them?”  The story leaves open lots of questions, some of which are explored by the commentators, some not.

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