Tagged: david

1 Samuel 16:1-13

This text is used for the Lectionary Year A on March 26, 2017.

I live in the Mid-Atlantic region of the United States along the beautiful Chesapeake Bay. The wildlife is both beautiful and responsibly protected. Short walks around the neighborhood led to the rivers that feed the Bay. Osprey build nests on top of nearby light poles. Slow moving boaters often spot bald eagles. Blue Heron linger along the shore. When in flight, these birds are beautiful to watch. Soaring high into the sky and swooping down to capture prey. Their eyes are affixed to the water.

Growing up I used to visit my grandparents often. Upon arrival, my grandfather would quickly hand me a list of tasks he needed me to accomplish. One of them was helping him spot the various pests that lingered outside his southeast Texas home. My goals: find any trace of ants, termites, roaches, and/or spiders that sought sanctuary inside his home. I was always a willing participant because my tasks were met with generous compensation. We would walk around together, I would spot, and he would spray. Every time I found something he would say, “Good job Eagle Eye!” As a young boy, I was not sure what being an “eagle eye” meant, but I adored his affection. I have come to understand that he needed a better set of eyes around his house. I offered those eyes. Circling the house and affix to the goal of attacking the pests.

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