The Cult of Robert Browning

The Cult of Robert Browning During his later career, particularly after the death of Elizabeth, Robert Browning gained a large group of devoted followers. Beginning in the 1880s, these followers organized hundred of societies throughout North America and Britain. They...

A Drama of Exile: EBB Rewrites Eve

A Drama of Exile: EBB Rewrites Eve Elizabeth Barrett Browning’s provides a revisionary account of the Fall in A Drama of Exile (1844), a dramatic representation of Eve and Adam after their exile from Eden. Barrett Browning challenged the ways in which Eve had...

I Never Got to Say Goodbye

I Never Got to Say Goodbye Imagine you just lost someone who completed the other half of your heart. Now, picture that your mind is in a fog and nothing seems clear. Next, feel that every part of your body is aching in pain from the sadness that lies in your heart....