Each month, we post an update to notify our readers about the latest archival collections to be processed and some highlights of our print material acquisitions. These resources are primed for research and are just a sampling of the many resources to be found at The Texas Collection!
January’s finding aids
By Paul Fisher, Processing Archivist

- Joseph Hickman Aynesworth papers, 1924-1936 (#1743): Contains photographs of the Aynesworth family and a scrapbook with pasted clippings. These clippings, some of which were written by Aynesworth and found in local newspapers, comment on Texas and local history.
January’s print materials
By Amie Oliver, Librarian and Curator of Print Materials
This month, we are highlighting a selection of 16th century volumes recently discovered in our backlog and added to the collection.
Carion, Johannes. Io. Carionis Chronicorum ab Orbe Condito ad Hanc Usq[ue] Nostram ætatem: Libri III. Basileæ: [publisher not identified], 1564. Print.
This expansive, yet small (less than 5 inches!) volume provides information on European history. There are only three known copies of this volume, two of which are located in the United States. Click here to view in BearCat!
López de Gómara, Francisco. La Historia Generale Delle Indie Occidentali. Roma: Per Valerio, & Luigi Dorici, 1556. Print.
Spanish exploration of Latin America, specifically Peru, is examined in this volume. Stay tuned to our blog to learn more from our rare book cataloger about why this volume is unique. Click here to view in BearCat!
Terence. Enarrationes vere aureae in P. Terentii Andriam et Eunuchum. Valentiae: Ex typographia Petri à Huete, in platea Herbaria, 1569. Print
Roman playwright Terence’s work is analyzed in this 448 year-old volume. The Texas Collection’s copy is the only known copy in the United States. Click here to view in BearCat!