This Semester So Far…

Hello again, and happy February! The first month of the new semester has absolutely flown by! New classes, new routines, and new concepts have made time fly. Lead class this semester has definitely been a shift. We went from learning style after style of leadership to finally talking about something concrete: our vocations and how leadership figures into those vocations. I really like this class, especially because of the way we do it. Our class centers on discussions that cut right to the heart of the points brought up by our primary textbook, Courage and Calling by Gordon T. Smith. These conversations are thought-provoking and sometimes immensely entertaining. I have learned a lot about my classmates, my professor, and myself because of these discussions. Recently, I found a quote that I thought perfectly and concisely summed up our class insofar.

“The meaning of life is to find your gift. The purpose of life is to give it away.” – William Shakespeare

In this class, we talk a lot about vocation, of course. Sometimes, these discussions are difficult for me because I have yet to identify anything about what I feel my vocation might be, so our lessons are hard for me to apply to my life. However, this quotation gave me a lot of hope because it presents the act of finding your gift or vocation as a constant work in progress, and giving it away as a continuation of that work. I am very pleased with how this semester and this class in particular have gone so far, and I look forward to what the future might bring!