News & Events
- S. Koziol gave a talk “An Introduction to the World of Autonomous Mobile Robots“, at the Baylor Club, January 23, 2020
- Quantum Week 2020! S. Koziol is on the Steering Committee, Tutorials Co-Chair and Program Committee for the upcoming IEEE International Conference on Quantum Computing & Engineering. Please consider attending!
- Nov 6, 2019: S. Koziol co-organized the “IEEE Quantum Education Summit” in San Mateo, CA. IEEE_Quantum_Education_Summit_2019_agenda_V9. Thanks again to all our speakers and attenders!
- Research group lunch event at Jasper’s Bar-B-Que in Waco, TX (September 2019)

- Tenured! S. Koziol promoted to Associate Professor with Tenure at Baylor University, August 2019
- It was another great Telluride Neuromorphic Cognition Engineering Workshop! S. Koziol was on the Workshop Organizing Team(2019)
- It was another great Telluride Neuromorphic Cognition Engineering Workshop! S. Koziol was on the Workshop Organizing Team (2018)
- Congratulations Spring 2018 Lab graduate Moises Martinez, BSECE and MSECE!
- S. Koziol attended the IEEE International Conference on Rebooting Computing (ICRC) 2017 and participated with two Neuromorphic computing posters (co-authors are Dr. E. Blair, C.J. Tulowiecki, A. Batrakov, Dr. J. Gaudette, and Dr. J. DiCecco.)
- S. Koziol was a Workshop Topic Area Co-Organizer with Asst. Prof. E. Neftci-UC Irvine & Prof. J. Krichmar-UC Irvine at the 2017 Neuromorphic Cognition Engineering Workshop (Telluride 2017)
- S. Koziol was a conference special session Co-organizer and session chair with Prof. J. Krichmar-UC Irvine. The session was called “Neuromorphic Circuits and Systems for Robotics,” at the IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS) 2017, Baltimore, MD, May 28-31, 2017.
- S. Koziol was a Conference Session chair (with Dr. Shih-Chii Liu of Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich) on ”Neuromorphic & Learning Circuits & Systems,” at the IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS) 2017, Baltimore, MD, May 28-31, 2017.
- Congratulations Summer 2017 Lab graduate Daniel Drake, MSECE!
- Congratulations Spring 2017 Lab graduate CJ Tulowiecki, BSECE!
- Congratulations Fall 2016 Lab graduate Constance Davis, BSECE!
- Congratulations Summer 2016 Lab graduate Sean Garvey, MSECE!
- S. Koziol was an Invited Participant at the 2016 Neuromorphic Cognition Engineering Workshop
- Congratulations Fall 2015 Lab graduate Patrick Friudenberg, BSECE, MSECE!
- Congratulations Spring 2015 graduate: Syd Lewis! (and congratulations on the Fulbright Scholarship!)
- Congratulations Fall 2014 Lab Graduates!:
Sara Britton, Daniel Drake, Corey Higgins, Christian Dudzik
- Congratulations Spring 2014 Lab Graduates!:
Dylan Eustice, Chris Dover, Sean Garvey, Nathan Hyde, James Robinson, Nicholas Steele
- The Robotics and Embedded Systems lab joined RoboTX.US. This group is an association of professionals with a common interest in promoting the growth of robotics in Texas.