Royden Ogletree's site


You may be wondering what you are doing on my blog? Well I’ll answer. You were looking for something awesome to pass the time away while you should probably be working that job you hate or doing that assignment that is due tomorrow which has been assigned all semester. Look no longer fellow slackers for you have found that awesome thing you were looking for!

Really it probably isn’t as outstanding as you would think. Honestly you’ll probably start looking through here and realize that your two year old, that you’re not watching because you’re on this site, could probably write better than me. However, I will be posting my thoughts on subjects so you really don’t have to think. It is a win win for everyone. I mean because what is better than staring at a computer screen for hours on end? Nothing! So kick back, relax and let your mind go numb as you read all my ideas that you have thought about but were too busy/lazy to write down and publish. Strap in!

-The IV