“How can we be grandparents if we don’t have children?!”
One of the many enigmas of The Game of Life. Amid tasteful quips about Life (which were surely more impressive than the typical sarcastic “Now I can get a life”), wondering why the fates had determined that only one player deserved children, and constantly suing archenemies, the BICLC Board Game Night raged. It was a fierce battle of survival of the fittest, with only short breaks to grab pizza, soda, and cookies. Countries engaged in warfare for total world domination (Risk). At one point, some brave soldiers uttered a loud battle cry: “I Want It That Way” (Backstreet Boys).
One BICer remarked that the Board Game Night was a relaxing time for freshman and sophomore BICers who survived World Cultures exams. According to sophomore David Espinoza, the event was designed to “unite BICers from different grade levels” and everyone had a great time, even individuals who are more introverted. He said this was because while playing board games, “[your] inner child comes out.”
Freshman Kennan Dickens enjoyed the informality of the Board Game Night, because it helped BICers, especially other freshmen, meet more people “on a different platform.” Because of the smaller group of students present at the event, games (particularly challenging ones) improved camaraderie. This was successful, as sophomore Jenn Dickey states, because students were able to become part of a community with a group of people you see every day and to get to know them further than simply sitting in Large Group lectures together. Freshman Joseph Webster further commented that the environment was easier to meet people in than, for example, Dr Pepper Hour.
Thus the BICLC Board Game Night became a team-building exercise that brought BICers together through laughter (triumphant or not) and free food. Even those who sustained heavy game losses suggest enthusiastically that BICers attend the event next year. Perhaps they have ulterior motives and are looking for someone they can be victorious over, but brave souls must venture forth to discover The Good. In the inspiring words of Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore: “happiness can be found even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers” to attend Board Game Night.
Clarissa Anderson is a sophomore BIC student majoring in journalism.