The Apple Watch is Apple’s most personal product to date. It can track daily activity, pay for groceries, and essentially serve the purpose of an iPhone on your wrist – all of these features on top of telling you the time of day. Now imagine a watch that is as aesthetically pleasing as the Apple Watch, but serves a purpose beyond your wrist.
1Face is a for-purpose organization that has a cause beyond telling time. 1Face brings about global change by unifying those who are capable of providing help with the people that desperately need assistance.
1Face is a watch brand that started with the belief that one person can literally change the world. Through 1Face, one person has the power to feed a child, provide an education, and find a cure.
With every purchase of a watch, a charity cause is supported. 1Face supports nine causes: cancer, hunger, breast cancer, clean water, disaster relief, environment, AIDS, education, and animal rights. The for-purpose organization has partnered with different charities to bring global change.
Every time a watch is purchased, there is a specific cause listed below that explains exactly how much of an impact your purchase will make. For example, some watches are color specific. The purchase of a red 1Face watch provides AIDS treatment for four patients.
1Face globally impacts the United States’ animal rights, cancer, and breast cancer research, Haiti’s environment, Guatemala’s education system, Syria’s hunger problem, the Philippines’s Red Cross disaster relief, and Bihar, India’s water supply.
Through the simple purchase of a $40 watch, lives can be changed across the globe. One watch can provide educational opportunities for a child in need or help find an animal a loving home. The purchase of four watches can provide a lifetime supply of water for one person. The impact is available; it is our turn to take the initiative.
We might not all have the immediate opportunity to start a for-purpose organization from our dorm room or travel the world and work with missionary doctors, but we do have the opportunity to change a life with a single purchase. 1Face is just one of hundreds of for-purpose organizations that can help us become the platform for change.
Every student at Baylor and in the BIC is trying to build a résumé for future opportunities such as internships or volunteer opportunities. We constantly surround ourselves with the overwhelming qualifications that come with pursuing medical school or graduate school.
Every once in a while, it will benefit us more than we think to pause and look around us. We often stress ourselves out so much over our next chemistry exam or rhetoric speech that we forget about the children across the globe who do not have the same privileged opportunity to attain an education as we do.
Similarly, there are people with families who are battling cancer or AIDS. There are communities searching near and far for clean drinking water while we refill our reusable plastic bottles with water from drinking fountains at every corner.
There is absolutely nothing wrong with embracing our lives, but as students, we have the power to create a platform – a global one.
Just picture this – if every student in the freshman BIC class bought a 1Face watch, we could provide food for 1,900 people, help support 1,520 cancer patients, provide treatment for 760 AIDS patients, assist in educational opportunities for 190 children in need, supply a lifetime of clean water for 47 people, and the list goes on.
The social impact a student can make is never limited; the world is constantly changing and the need for change is not going anywhere.
For more information on 1Face, go to http://1face.com/
Kassie Hsu is a freshman BIC student majoring in neuroscience.