40th Anniversary Celebration of the W. R. Poage Legislative Library

This blog post was written by Collections Services Archivist Amanda Fisher. With the passage of time, some anniversaries come and go with little to no recognition. Yet some anniversaries are milestones worthy of celebration and reflection. Today is one such feat as we celebrate the 40th anniversary of the W. R. Poage Legislative Library! Since…

Poage’s 2019 Summer Teaching Fellow Dr. Stephanie Boddie

This post was written by Collections Services Archivist Amanda Fisher. This past summer, in 2019, the W. R. Poage Legislative Library hosted a professor from the School of Social Work, Dr. Stephanie Boddie, as part of the Baylor Libraries Teaching Fellows program. Fellowships are available each summer to Baylor faculty members and graduate teachers of…

2019 Summer Recap for the Graduate Research Center

This post was written by Graduate Research Center Operations Manager Jonathan Tomes. Summer is a time of planning and preparation for the Graduate Research Center (GRC). Fewer students use our spaces in the summer than during the fall and spring semesters. GRC staff take advantage of this opportunity for strategic planning for the future and…

iEngage 2019: Poage’s Efforts to Help Students Think More About Civic Involvement

This post was written by Processing Archivist Thomas DeShong, Collections Services Archivist Amanda Fisher, and Graduate Research Center Operations Manager Jonathan Tomes. Introduction On August 6th, representatives of the W. R. Poage Legislative Library and the Graduate Research Center collaborated with members of Baylor University’s School of Education to provide learning stations that highlighted various aspects…

Recent Professional Development Opportunities for Poage Library Staff

This post was written by Collections Services Archivist Amanda Fisher. Introduction One of the foundational tenets of professionalism here at Baylor University and the W. R. Poage Legislative Library is professional development through continued education. Director Mary Goolsby eagerly promotes and supports an atmosphere of learning and personal growth befitting of a university setting. As…

A Trip Back in Time: Clark Thompson’s Correspondence from the 1960’s

This post was written by Graduate Assistant Emma Whipkey. I have been working with the Clark Thompson papers in various capacities since my arrival at the W. R. Poage Legislative Library in 2018. Thompson’s collection includes legislative documents, personal papers, scrapbooks, and a significant amount of correspondence. My first project at the Poage was to…

Politics with a Personal Touch: Reflections on Reprocessing Bob Poage’s Campaign Papers

This post was written by Graduate Assistant Kristina Benham. We at the W.R. Poage Legislative Library are reprocessing the papers of Congressman Bob Poage to enhance their organization and overall access. As a graduate assistant this summer, I have been assisting Processing Archivist Thomas DeShong with Poage’s campaign materials. For the bulk of my work…

Introducing Our New Women’s Collection: The Mattie Mae McKee Papers

This post was written by Processing Archivist Thomas DeShong. The latter half of the twentieth century was one of the most socially tumultuous times in American history. It was a period of great change when the United States struggled to define its role as the leader of the free world against an ever-present Communist threat.…

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