The Greatest Birthday Ever!

By Frances George

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For five years in a row, I have not been with my daughter, Mary Scott on her birthday. Her birthday is September 1st and that generally means she is in school. Between high school and college Mary Scott took at gap year and was somewhere in the continental United States talking to tens of thousands of teenagers about Christ on her birthday. Thus began the “Birthday in a Box” tradition. In the fall of 2012, Mary Scott entered Baylor as a freshman and for the last four years, she’s been in Waco, TEXAS while I’ve been in Raleigh, NORTH CAROLINA on September 1st. So, dutifully, every year for five years, I have spent the better part of the week prior to her birthday, creating a “Birthday in a Box” for Mary Scott to enjoy 1200 miles (or more!) from home and then rushing to the UPS store to send it 2 day shipping to insure its arrival prior to September 1st. And generally something is a day or two late…This year was no different. Except, this was Senior Year. This was it. Make it count Mom!

September 1st, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014 came and went as always and for four years there have been pictures on fb and texts of Mary Scott and “her box” filled with tissue paper and an assortment of gifts from home. Usually, there would be dinner out with girlfriends after a long day in class. But this year, the posts and texts were different! And this is the Baylor difference. fran oct 2First thing in the morning there was a video sent to me of her 4 roommates jumping on her bed and singing Happy Birthday, followed by an enormous breakfast at the house with girls from across the street and down the street. Sunflowers covered the counter, balloons filled the room, little remembrances were beautifully placed alongside artfully painted notes which were lined up on the counter, notes of encouragement and love for one they consider “sister” as well as friend.

Then class. Yes, class.

That evening, about 15 of Mary Scott’s closest friends surprised her and took her to a “dinner destination”… her favorite place by the water in Waco, “The Dam.” (not exactly sure where that is but I know it is beautiful at sunset by the pictures!). They grilled, enjoyed queso and tortillas, ate cupcakes, sang songs, took pictures, lots of pictures, and shared “happy tears.” This is what the girls texted me throughout the evening (just to keep Mom in the loop) “We have a happy friendship and happy friends in our happy spot celebrating our sweet friend who has been the best. We love MSG!” (their nickname for Mary Scott George).

The next day Mary Scott and I talked (actually on the phone!) and she said, “Mom, it was the greatest birthday ever. The girls are so good to me. Their cards are artwork now hanging on my wall.” I thought, “The ‘artwork’ of this day will hang on the wall of your heart for a lifetime, my darling girl. This is the time of your life.” I listened as she talked on about the sunset and the laughter and the utter joy of being a senior at Baylor. While she talked, I recalled a photo she took freshman year while out on a run of an exquisite sunset streaming across campus, “Mom, thank you for letting me come to this place” was the caption attached to the picture. Still so true and so much more. It was as if the light was illuminating her future at Baylor. Her academic future: bright. Her friendships: magnificent.

This is what Baylor friendships mean. They are rich. They are deep. They survive turbulent days and joy comes in the morning. They celebrate life. They celebrate seasons. They last. These are girlfriends, sisters for life. This is the Baylor difference. frances oct blog

And the cherry on top? Judge Starr and Mary Scott were attending the same event on September 2nd and Judge Starr actually said, “You just had a birthday Mary Scott! Let’s get a picture!” And they did. I can’t top that. And you know what, I’m glad I can’t!

You see, I’ll always be Mom. I can always send “Birthdays in a Box” but birthdays like the birthday of 2015 happen rarely in life. But it is the rare that becomes the commonplace at Baylor.

If you are wondering about a college choice. Wonder no more.

Choose Baylor.

For friends.

For birthdays.



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