Access to New York Times Website

On March 28, 2011, the New York Times implemented a new policy regarding access to articles from their website,  That policy restricts access to 20 articles/month, unless you have a personal subscription to the paper New York Times or unless you set up a digital subscription.

Because of questions we’ve received from Baylor faculty, students, and staff, we contacted the New York Times to see if they have a subscription model so libraries can set up a digital subscription for their constituents.  They responded to us that they did not have such a model in place.

However, if people currently enrolled at or employed by Baylor University want to set up a personal digital subscription, they will receive a 50% discount because of their affiliation with Baylor University.  To receive that discount, do the following:

  1. Login to or create your account at the NYTimes website.  Note:  Make sure this account is associated with your Baylor e-mail address.
  2. Go to College Readership Digital Subscription.
  3. Complete the form on that page (select your status at Baylor and provide the name of the university (Baylor University).
  4. The next screen will indicate that a message has been sent to your Baylor e-mail account.
  5. When that message appears in your e-mail account (check your junk mail if you don’t see it), click on the link provided in that message.
  6. The screen that displays will be a form to complete to set up your personal digital subscription.  Near the top, slightly right of center, you should see the weekly subscription rate (at a 50% discount) , which will be billed to your credit card every 4 weeks.

Alternatively, the Baylor University Libraries do provide access to the New York Times from a number of our databases, which are listed below: