Why I’m Thankful for Baylor Missions

Manuelito laughed and called me “George” yet again, knowing perfectly well that my name was not George. But it made him laugh, and it made me laugh, so I never gave him any trouble about it. General rule of thumb: When an eight-year-old child from Guatemala who has been removed from his home to live…

Educated in Ecuador

Yolanda Eddings is a Deaf Education major and a member of Baylor’s Missions Leadership Council. She graciously shared about her trip to Ecuador this past summer. Tell us a little about your trip! This past summer, I went on a Deaf Education mission trip with a group of 11 to Ecuador. It was such a…

Full Circle in Colombia with AMSA

Who would ever believe that I would be where I am today? It is AMAZING how God continuously renews the past with an unexpected new. My maternal great grandmother had 20 children when they were living in a small village called El Jardin (so small it does not even appear on Apple Maps), which is…

Could Spring Break in Costa Rica Change Your Life?

Scared? Nervous? Sense that you won’t belong? Do it anyway… I grew up in a household where religion was forgotten on the backburner. I went to church as a kid with my friends, but that was strictly to spend time with them. I was THAT person who didn’t know that Baylor was a Christian University…

14 Travel Trips from a Nurse

Baylor Missions sits down with Nurse Dawn Chumak of Baylor University to discuss the top 14 things you need to think about before you travel! This quick video gives some major tips on how to prepare to be your most healthy on your trip. These tips are great for Baylor Missions trips and for any…

Hunger in Texas Spring Break Trip Recap

Day One Students on day one of the Hunger In Texas 2019 trip particpated in pre-field training at the Garland School of Social Work.  As seen here the group of eight students participating in team building activities. The Spring Break trip is a collaboration between Baylor Missions and the Texas Hunger Initiative  which examines food insecurity…

Holy Week: From Palm Sunday to Easter

Last week I had several conversations that all led to the same place, I’m not one to ignore a good theme so I paid attention, it is too easy for us to skip from Palm Sunday to Easter and forget about Holy Week. Hear me out, one Sunday we are celebrating Jesus’ triumphal entry into…

10 Tips for Your First Mission Trip

Baylor Missions is sending out twenty four teams on mission trips this summer! That is three hundred and sixty five people, many of which who have never been on a mission trip before. That is not including Baylor students who are going on trips with their churches and other organizations. If you are going on…

Japan Urban Foods Trip Recap

This Spring Break Baylor Missions sent a team to Japan to study Urban Foods and learn more about how Japan is dealing with urban food issues. Erick Huang and Marla Raiford recapped their journey in a post trip interview, explaining what they learned in Japan. What was your favorite part of the trip? Erick says,…

Baylor Missions Prayer Guide

One week from today hundreds of Baylor students will depart on mission trips all over the world! Are you going on a trip next week and want some guidance in preparing or are you unsure of how you can support your friend or loved one going on a Baylor Mission trip? This prayer guide is…

What am I supposed to do with my life?

“What am I supposed to do with my life?” That’s a question many people, especially college students, find themselves asking regularly. In the video below, posted by Fuller Theological Seminary, Dr. N.T. Wright, leading biblical scholar, former Bishop of Durham in the Church of England, and current Research Professor of New Testament and Early Christianity at…

Trip Spotlight: Sports Ministry in Guatemala

This winter Baylor Missions sent a Sports Ministry team to Guatemala to partner with FCA Guatemala! Katherine Johnson, Sports Chaplain, led the team and answers a few questions about what the trip was like! Briefly describe what the trip looked like. We took 10 female athletes and 3 staff to Anigua Guatemala for 6 days to…