Lance Kay
3 Oct 2013

Feature Story October 3

Author: lancekay | Filed under: 3372

The story I chose to read was Tending to Muslims Hearts and Islam’s Future by Andrea Elliot. This article talks about a muslim Hitch (hopefully you have seen this movie so you can understand my analogy). This guy started this program where he allows a muslim man and woman to meet in front of him and get to know each other. He does this because in the Muslim religion two people of the opposite sex are not allowed to spend alone time together unless they are married. This has been a successful business for this man and has helped many people of the Islam faith find love and get married.

An example of a lead in this story is a contrast lead. He states that Christian singles and Jews both have ways to meet up and date but Muslims do not because of their rule that they aren’t allowed to be alone with a member of the opposite sex until they are married.

The nut graph in this story is as follows :“Christian singles have coffee hour. Young Jews have JDate. But many Muslims believe that it is forbidden for an unmarried man and woman to meet in private. In predominantly Muslim countries, the job of making introductions and even arranging marriages typically falls to a vast network of family and friends.” This is also where I found the contrast lead for this article. This is the nut graph because this explains the value of the story to the reader. It states why this article was written and what it is about.

There are descriptive graphs all over this story. One of the examples is: “The family lives in a spare, dimly lighted apartment two blocks from the mosque. Headscarves are piled over Pokémon cards. The gold-painted words “Allah is Great” are framed over a threadbare couch. In the next room, an “I {sheart} New York” bumper sticker is slapped on the wall.” This describes the persons apartment and how much of the Muslim faith is tied into the decoration of the apartment.

There are seven quotes throughout this story that help add to the credibility of the story.

In this story there were plenty boring but important parts. An example is the descriptive graph I stated above. This part is important to the reader because it lets you get to know a typical person of the Islam faith. However, it is really boring to read about all the stuff that they have in their apartment.

The ending of the story was very good and tied the whole story together well. In fact the whole story was written well and tied together effectively.

If I had to say I got anything out of the story I would have to say that received some information. I wasn’t very interested in reading this story but it is some very useful information to know if you were ever on a game show and they asked you a question about it. All kidding aside though, this story has a lot of information that some people could find useful and interesting. I just don’t find it interesting.

I liked how the story had a bunch of quotes which, for me, made it a really credible story. I like stories that have a backbone and allows the reader to really get different perspectives in the article. I did not like how long this story was though. This story could have been shrunk substantially and still had all the quotes and got all the information across.

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