Monthly Archives: July 2013


Dear Reader (most likely my best friends and family),

I have tried to start a blog about three times now. I wanted to exaggerate something like a thousand times, but really it has only been three. However, I am coming out with this lovely little blog because it has been required of me by the travel writing class I am taking over here in London.

I have never actually publicly displayed blog posts for a few reasons. One being my thought of “what is the point?” Is what I have to say really important enough for me to write down and share for everyone else to read about? I am sure someone else could make a much better point and more sense. However, I do have a few friends that have blogs and no matter how simple or complex or wise or silly they are, I do enjoy what they have to say. So, hopefully I have something worthwhile or entertaining for you to read as well.

Another reason is that I change my mind too much. One day I am thinking one way, and the next I reason my way out of it into a different direction. The fact that any sort of opinion is set in writing for all to see scares me. I want to be able to change my mind or learn and gain maturity in what I am learning. So, give me grace and I will try to be thoughtful in what I write. I welcome questions, opinions, and suggestions.

Lastly, my grammar is not the greatest. So bare with me and maybe suggest a book for me to freshen up my grammar skills?

(How do you end a blog post anyways?),
