5 Tips for Millennials Entering the “Real World”

I’m in this really unique position where I’m semi-sort-of entering the “Real World,” and it can be just as daunting as everyone makes it sound. Here are 5 things I’ve implemented into my life that have helped me adjust to adulting.

1. Buy a slow cooker. There are thousands of recipes online allowing you to cook a meal with minimal effort that Chef Ramsay would approve of. No more parents? No more meal plan? No problem.

2. Sign up for the Skimm’s daily newsletter. The Skimm does a great job of summarizing the news in an efficient yet humorous way. If you read something that you find interesting, you can always click on the hyperlinks that will take you to the actual article. This is a free and easy way to stay up to date and know just enough to be deadly in your daily conversations.

3. Take control of your finances. This begins with building a budget. It can be as simple as 50% for necessities, 10% for education, 10% for investing, 10% savings, 10% for giving, and 10% for play. You can even have your bank auto transfer funds from your checking account to your savings accounts to automize some of the work.


4. Build your credit. You can easily do this by paying for your gas on your credit card each month. If you don’t already have a credit card and want to start taking advantages of points, I would recommend this Chase one with no annual fee, and so would the Points Guy.  Pay off your balance as soon as the statement is posted, and watch your credit score go up, up, up! It may not seem all that important to build your credit score now, but it will be when you want to refinance loans or apply for a mortgage.


5. Make exercising a priority! There are incredible benefits to exercising such as better sleep, lower stress, and improved memory and thinking skills. You have time for this, and it is well worth the investment.


I know we are barely scratching the surface of adulting, and I’m still learning new things each and every day. What are some tips you have for millennials entering the “Real World?”


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