
Short Biography

Brussels, Belgium.

During my childhood, I became bilingual. At home I was usually speaking in English with my mother and brother. I was attending an english speaking private school, so my first language was definitely english. However, my French dad was able to teach me his native language and I was able to apply what I had learned outside of my home and school.


Paris, France.

In 2012, I had moved to Paris, France. My parents decided to send me to a French public school so I could improve my French writing and speaking skills. I loved and thus gladly accepted the challenge. For the three years that I attended French school, I had learned a great deal on becoming a fast learner and being resilient.


Texas, Usa.

In 2015, I moved to the Houston, Texas. Finally being in the country I was born in, I was extremely happy. I attended College Park High School for two years to graduate. I was admitted into Baylor University and decided to spend the next four years of my life at Waco, Texas.