This elegant Swedish horror film about a frail, bullied 12-year-old (who looks and acts quite a bit like Timmy Lupus from The Bad News Bears) whose girlfriend next door turns out to be a vampire isContinue reading
Category: Swedish Cinema
Saraband (Ingmar Bergman, 2003)
It is all too fitting that, for his final film, Ingmar Berman would return to Johan and Marianne, the characters we last saw baring their souls 30 years ago in Scenes From a Marriage, which,Continue reading
Miss Julie (Alf Sjöberg, 1951)
As a portrait of the battle between the sexes, Alf Sjöberg’s adaptation of August Strindberg’s notorious 1888 play is bitterly effective (men aren’t just from Mars and women from Venus—they’re armed to the teeth and readyContinue reading
Sawdust and Tinsel (Ingmar Bergman, 1953)
Although critically panned at the time, Sawdust and Tinsel has since come to be regarded as Bergman’s first masterpiece or, for those who don’t fully appreciate the late Swedish master’s work, at least the firstContinue reading