Schrader’s unique approach to the life and death of Japanese writer Yukio Mishima is to defy all the tired conventions of the biopic and instead engage the complexities of the film’s subject through that whichContinue reading
Category: Japanese Cinema
Gojira (Ishirô Honda, 1954)
Inspired by my recent screening of Cloverfield, I decided to check out the Big One—not the terribly recut U.S. version known as Godzilla: King of the Monsters, mind you, but the original Japanese version withoutContinue reading
Drunken Angel (Akira Kurosawa, 1948)
The first of Kurosawa’s films to feature the indomitable Toshiro Mifune is, not surprisingly, also his strongest early work—the first film that, in his own words, allowed him to find his cinematic voice. This isContinue reading