iEngage Summer Civics Institute

Redlining Monopoly

Our purpose in modifying the rules of Monopoly is to allow students to explore what it might feel like to be constrained by laws that affect their housing choices. Learning experiences that include active role-play and perspective-taking help students gain insights into diverse perspectives (Barton & Levstik, 2004; Taylor, 2005).

In this lesson, we will identify basic economics concepts in the game of capitalistic Monopoly and get a glimpse of the long-term economic effects of race-based policies that have limited the economic opportunities of African Americans, First Nation/Native Americans, Asian Americans, Mexican Americans, and other diverse communities within the United States of America. Remember that the game is just a model – a rough representation of reality. However, this model reflects the truth behind the race-based wealth gap in the USA history curriculum students will encounter in classrooms. Of course, the reality is much more complicated than the model. Remember that the USA has adopted several race-based economic policies that were just as devastating but were not reflected in our rigged Monopoly game.

For questions or assistance, please contact Laura McNeice, iEngage Program Director.

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