Higher Education & Student Affairs

For more information about Baylor's HESA

Three Months of Graduate School: A Reflection

It is hard for me to wrap my thoughts around the sweeping changes and development I have experienced over the last three months in graduate school. Upon reflection of my life, I do not believe there is another stint of time that can be associated with so much positive and challenging change.

As a member of the first-year cohort for Baylor HESA, I can say that in the last three months, this program has challenged me academically, introspectively, developmentally, and professionally. This program provides its students with an excellent balance of challenge and support inside and outside of the classroom. Our greatest asset as a program is, therefore, the ways in which we use what we learn in the classroom to become better advisors, mentors, and leaders in our respective apprenticeships.

The practical application of developmental theory, and real world discussions about issues facing student affairs professionals has without a doubt caused my fellow cohort members and me some mental strain on our ability to be effective leaders and administrators. However, this is not without knowledge that we will be better for having worked through these issues in an environment that is gracefully accepting of mistakes and doubt.

My apprenticeship is in the Office of Student Activities for Greek Life. As such, I am the sole advisor for Order of Omega, an all-Greek honors society. My desire for this group to flourish was not enough to aid these students in helping their organization to grow. The intentional application of my studies to my interaction with the executive council for this organization brings affirmation to the notion that with proper knowledge and care, Student Affairs professionals can truly be impactful with their students.

I am overwhelmed with joy and curiosity as to what I will continue to learn through this program in the coming months — and we are less than a quarter of the way through!

My encouragement for you is to also find a program that can provide you with such an environment that invigorates your passions daily and provides endless opportunities for success and growth in preparation for what lies ahead.

Kari Rood, Graduate Apprentice for Greek Life, Panhellenic, 1st year member of Baylor HESA

scottshepherd • November 12, 2012

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